You can take on the world with a stunning smile! At Cascadia Dental Specialists, we offer gum whitening and gum bleaching.

Find out what to do if you’re a new patient, and learn what to expect before your visit. Then, get to know our doctors and our advanced technologies.

Our patients are certainly pleased!

Gum Whitening and Gum Bleaching

We use state-of-the-art dental lasers to lighten darkened gum tissue during a gum lightening or bleaching procedure. 

First, we apply an anesthetic or offer sedation so you feel no discomfort. Then, we use a dental laser to gently erase discolored or deeply pigmented patches. When we’re done, you have lighter, pinker and healthier gums. 

If the gum tissue around your teeth is discolored or hyperpigmented, gum bleaching improves its natural color. Gum hyperpigmentation can result from many factors, from genetics to poor dental hygiene to regular coffee or tobacco use.

Gum whitening gives your gums a more uniform appearance and can supplement periodontal (gum) surgery.

Book an appointment today, or contact us for more information about gum whitening and gum bleaching.